9th edition of Latin America and Caribbean Week (26 May - 11 June 2022)

Published: Tue May 24 2022


The 2022 edition draws on initiatives from embassies of Latin American and Caribbean countries in France, as well as associations, teaching and research institutions, museums and even art galleries.

From Cherbourg-en-Cotentin to Montpellier and Bordeaux, from Paris to Lima and from Toulouse to Mexico City, the event treats the public to a wide range of Latin American and Caribbean creativity in France and demonstrates French people's interest in the region.

Over 300 events have been organized by almost as many partners:

? film screenings,
? conferences,
? concerts,
? dance performances,
? arts and crafts, tastings, exhibitions, literary readings, and the list goes on?

In Bordeaux, some fifty events will celebrate the four corners of Latin America and the Caribbean through shows, conferences, workshops and exhibitions. In Mulhouse, the ?Printemps du Tango? festival will showcase this iconic Latin American dance, while pre-Hispanic civilizations will be honoured at the Musée des Amériques in Auch. In Paris, the Institut des Amériques will hold a debate featuring a broad panel of experts on education, digital technology, social cohesion and public policies in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, during its international conference organized with the support of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD, French Development Agency) and the EU-LAC Foundation.

See the programme at semaineameriquelatinecaraibes.fr

This 2022 edition will also feature political and economic events to reflect on the relationship between Latin America, the Caribbean and France, promote partnerships and step up collaboration to tackle current challenges.

The International Economic Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean organized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Centre, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the AFD and the Business France ?Ambition Latin America? business forum, under the auspices of the French Ministries for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Economy, Finance and the Recovery, will bring together high-level Latin American and French participants.

In 2011, at the initiative of the French Senate, the ?Latin America and Caribbean Day? was introduced, to celebrate and strengthen ties between countries of the region and France.

In 2014, the ?Day? became a ?Week?, which was organized and coordinated by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

With each passing year, the Week has alternated between an educational, popular culture, and festive event, but it has always been unmissable, both in Paris and throughout France. It has become an occasion for meetings and shared reflection between Latin America, the Caribbean and France.

See the website for all the latest on Latin America and Caribbean Week:

? Link The official SALC website
? The France Diplomatie Facebook account,
? The @francediplo Twitter account,
? The @francediplo Twitter account in Spanish.

Updated: May 2022

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