Iran - Q&A (8 Sep. 22)

Published: Thu Sep 08 2022

Q: In June, the IAEA governors issued a criticism of Iran following the publication of the agency's latest reports. The United States and the E3 have said repeatedly that it is urgent for Iran to fully cooperate with the agency. The agency's most recent report shows that Iran has now increased its stockpile of 60% enriched uranium and is not cooperating on the question of guarantees. Clearly, the Board's latest resolution had no effect. Are you considering a new resolution, or even the possibility of bringing this matter before the Security Council when the Board next meets, or are you prepared to accept the status quo?

A: We were deeply concerned to learn of yesterday's reports by the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

We deplore the fact that Iran has not taken the opportunities it has been offered to shed light on the undeclared presence of nuclear materials on undeclared sites, as proposed by the director general. In view of this situation and the lack of Iranian cooperation, the IAEA is not in a position to guarantee that the Iranian nuclear program is strictly peaceful. The IAEA Board of Governors adopted a resolution this past June that calls on Iran to abide by its legal obligations under the general guarantee agreement and to cooperate with the IAEA to clarify and peacefully resolve these issues without further delay. The adoption of a Board of Governors resolution this past June by a massive majority reflects the fact that our concerns are widely shared. We are working closely with our partners ahead of the next Board of Governors meeting, which starts on September 12.

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