Iran - Q&A (Oct. 27, 22)

Published: Fri Oct 28 2022

Q: Is France ready to follow Germany's example by expanding national measures targeting Iranian businesses and individuals and limiting bilateral economic and cultural exchanges?

A: On October 17, France, together with our European partners, adopted sanctions targeting those who are responsible for the repression in Iran.

Iran continues to pursue its strategy of violent repression and violations of fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular yesterday in the city of Saghez during gatherings and commemorations marking 40 days since the death of Mahsa Amini. Further proof of this strategy are the sanctions imposed on free media outlets, such as the Farsi-language version of RFI.

We condemn the ongoing repression and continue to work with our European partners on matters such as the consideration of new sanctions targeting the Iranian authorities who are responsible for the repression of the Iranian people and the violence committed against them.

Q: France and its allies have stressed that the transfer of drones from Iran to Russia constitutes a violation of Resolution 2231. What is your goal in stressing this violation?

A: France, alongside Ukraine and together with our European partners, condemns the transfer of Iranian drones to the Russian armed forces, which qualifies as support for the war of aggression that Russia started in violation of the fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations. These drones are used in attacks that are likely to constitute war crimes. Moreover, these transfers constitute a violation of Security Council Resolution 2231, which was adopted in 2015 and whose provisions established a framework for the transfer of missiles and drones to and from Iran.

On October 20, the EU responded to this violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty by adopting sanctions against the individuals and entities involved in the transfer and production of Iranian drones used by the Russian army in Ukraine. We call for an end to these transfers, as well as an end to any support for the war against Ukraine.

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