Joint APCC Victims Leads Donna Jones and Sophie Linden commented on the APCC Violence Against Women and Girls Action Plan 2022-23
Today we publish our Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Action Plan.
This ambitious plan clearly sets how PCCs are working with partner agencies, victims, and the wider community to end violence against women and girls. It includes priority actions and key deliverables that we will take forward to tackle the epidemic of VAWG that blights the lives of women and girls in both public and private spaces.
VAWG is tragically an all too common occurrence for women and girls and has been brought into stark focus recently by a number of tragic high-profile incidents. The continued threat women and girls face every day is completely unacceptable. No women or girl should be made to feel unsafe anywhere, and we are very clear that scrutiny should always fall on those, often men, who perpetrate these harmful behaviours and never on those victims and survivors of VAWG.
As Police and Crime Commissioners we are committed to tackling VAWG - both through the commissioning of support services for victims, and behavioural intervention programmes for perpetrators of VAWG; by holding our chief constables to account for policing of VAWG; through chairing our local criminal justice boards to bring about improvements in the justice system; and by bringing local partners together in our VAWG and violence reduction partnerships to deliver an end-to-end approach. We are determined to make a real difference and ensure that all our communities are safe places for women and girls.
PCCs are forging ahead in bringing partners together to tackle VAWG - both locally and nationally. This action plan sets out further actions that we will take forward together to help end violence against women and girls, however, we recognise that only by working across all partners can we begin to create positive change. We look forward to driving this change in partnership with agencies across the system.