Ignite Space 2023: agenda now available

From: UK Space Agency blog
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023

Tickets are now sold out for the UK Space Agency's Ignite Space event, which will be held at Aerospace Bristol on Tuesday, 7 March 2023.

If you have booked a ticket and can no longer attend, please release it for others on the waitlist. Thank you.

The agenda for the day can be seen below.

Ignite Space is an SME-focused event that provides an interactive forum to showcase emerging businesses in the UK space sector and highlights the support available.

Ignite Space 2022.

Get your tickets here: ignitespace2023.eventbrite.com

Who is Ignite Space for?

All those working in, or who seek opportunities in, the UK space sector are welcome. We especially encourage SMEs in the space sector and businesses from sectors with space-applicable technologies to come along.

What can I expect from Ignite Space?

On the day, 'zones' will provide interactive spaces for delegates to get involved in discussions and engage with activities. There will be panel sessions on advancing solutions, and discussions around some of the key challenges facing UK businesses in the sector.

Each zone will present a mainstage session on topics that will interest and add value to SMEs

Business Zone: How industry and the insurance community are supporting the sector - Innovative changes

The session will include discussion how industry and insurance bodies are supporting SMEs to develop and grow their businesses and supporting the development of new partnerships and regulatory and insurance approaches that benefit industry and position the UK in a leadership role.

Clusters Zone: Find Your Place in Space - Regional Clusters and the UK Ecosystem

This session will give you the who, what, where, when, and how of the space clusters that make up our UK space innovation landscape. We will explore lessons to be learned from other sectors, how they support opportunities for collaboration, and how businesses can get involved.

Government Zone: How To Pitch Your Space Business for Export

This session will include the opportunities and challenges of international export and discussion will focus on the considerations companies should have in preparing to pitch to potential investors. It will also signpost the various avenues of support that are available or have been particularly successful.

Skills Zone: Igniting your growth through people

This session will introduce the Space Skills Advisory Panel, the new UK Space Agency's Skills lead and their objectives, and the MOD Space Academy. Discussions will explore the future direction for skills and talent needed to support the growth and innovation of the UK space industry, the challenges and how to address them.

Delegates will be able to continue the conversation in separate workshops and activities throughout the day. We are also working with the European Space Agency's Business Incubation Centre and business support provider Anchored In to deliver an Ignite Investment Launchpad Apply- Ignite Investment Launchpad. We are also intending to attract representatives from some of the biggest UK Aerospace companies to Ignite Space to engage with SMEs.

We are delighted that TV presenter Dallas Campbell will be our Master of Ceremonies for the day, and back by popular demand, AstroAgency will be hosting their SpaceBar Live at an evening networking session.

Delegate tickets are free of charge and are limited so please only book your place if can attend in person. Registration will take place from 08:45 with the keynote speeches from 09:30. The main event will close by 17:00 and the evening networking will close at 19:30.

We look forward to seeing you at Aerospace Bristol for Ignite Space 2023!

Ignite Space 2023 Agenda

0830 - 0930 Registration and Networking
0930 Video Keynote: Minister Freeman
0930 - 0955 Welcome and opening remarks: Paul Bate - CEO UK Space Agency
0955 - 1000 West of England Combined Authority - Dan Norris
1010 - 1110 Government Zone Workshop: How To Pitch Your Space Business for Export
1030 - 1230 Ignite Pitching Launchpad
1045 - 1130 Clusters Main Stage Session: Find Your Place in Space - Regional Clusters and the UK Ecosystem
1140 - 1240 Skills Zone Workshop: Igniting your growth through people: recruitment, retention and accessibility
1200 - 1245 Business Zone Main stage session: "Industry for Industry" - Industry and the insurance community, working innovatively to support the space sector.
1340 - 1440 Cluster Zone workshop: Cluster collaboration in the delivery of UK space capabilities
1400 - 1530 Primes Panel: How to Sell into Space
1415 - 1500 Government Zone Main stage session: Positioning your business for success - The essentials
1510 - 1610 Business Zone Workshop: "What you need to know to grow" - What your business needs to know to grow.
1520 - 1605 Skills Zone Main Stage Session: Igniting your growth through people
1615 - 1625 Ignite Pitch Launchpad Winner Announcement
1630 - 1640 Closing Keynote: David Morris MP Champion For Space
1640 - 1700 Reflections and closing remarks: Chris McQuire
1730 - 1745 Evening networking: SpaceBar live
1745 - 1805 Session 1
1800 - 1830 Canapes and drinks reception
1820 - 1850 Session 2
1855 - 1925 Session 3
1925 - 1930 Wrap up and close

Company: UK Space Agency blog

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