Niger - Joint communique issued by the ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the ministry for the armed Forces (0

Published: Thu Aug 10 2023

France strongly denies the Niger coup leaders' new groundless accusations.

The French soldiers positioned in Niger are there at the request of the legitimate Nigerien authorities to combat the terrorist groups which are destabilizing the region and torturing populations in the Sahel.

These statements against France are another attempt at diversion, at a time when ECOWAS is stepping up mediation efforts to restore constitutional order in Niger.

The aerial movement carried out in Niger today was subject to a prior agreement and technical coordination with the Nigerien forces, an authorization confirmed in writing. No attack on a Nigerien camp took place. No terrorists were freed by French forces, who have been risking their soldiers' lives to combat this scourge in the Sahel for many years.

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