Hong Kong – Meeting between Olivier Becht and Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan (19.09.23)

Published: Tue Sep 19 2023

On September 19, Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, met with Paul Chan, the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, during their opening of the “Think Business, Think Hong Kong” economic and business symposium held in Paris that same day.

During their conversation, the two ministers hailed the revival of economic and business exchanges between France and Hong Kong after the Covid-19 pandemic. The minister delegate emphasized the need to restore a business climate that fosters trust among economic actors. He reiterated France's dedication to the rule of law, international commitments and the “one country, two systems” principle which were vital to Hong Kong's development and economic attractiveness over the past several decades. The two ministers agreed on the need to step up investments and trade between Hong Kong and France.

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