Health Minister Eluned Morgan has urged all those eligible for the Spring Covid-19 booster to take up their offer of the vaccine before 30 June.
A deadline of 30 June has been introduced to ensure all those eligible for the spring booster will have a long-enough interval between this and the autumn 2022 booster, if they are also eligible.
An announcement by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) about which groups will be eligible for the autumn booster is due to be published shortly.
The JCVI has advised that people over-75, older care home residents and all those aged 12 years and over who are immunosuppressed are eligible for the spring booster.
Those who are 75 on or before 30 June, can get their booster at any point up to the deadline.
All those eligible for spring boosters will be invited by their health board or GP. If you are eligible but have not been invited yet, please contact your health board via this link:
Health Minister Eluned Morgan recently said:
It is important we continue our very high take up levels of the vaccine to help protect us against the risk of serious illness from COVID-19. I would urge everyone who is offered a spring booster vaccination takes up the invitation.
If someone eligible for a spring booster has had a COVID infection recently, they will need to wait 28 days from the date they tested positive before they can be vaccinated. They will still be able to get vaccinated after 30 June as part of this campaign if they have to postpone their appointment.
It is not too late for anyone who needs a primary dose (first, second or third) to be vaccinated. Please check for local arrangements: