Guest blog: Population Health Management - You may be doing more than you think

From: techUK
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022

Guest blog by Daniel Catt, UK General Manager, MedeAnalytics.

I heard it once said that if you have seen one ICSyou have seen one ICS! And in some ways that is very true - people, places and priorities are rightly different across England. And whilst I would agree uniqueness brings a kaleidoscope of innovation possibilities, I think it is safe to say some things are also the same.

Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) became statutory this July. These newly formed ICBs will need to determine their local population health strategies and how digital will enable and accelerate their work to improve health and social care outcomes.

Aligning effort

I never cease to be amazed by how much duplication happens within a single region. One particular health and care partnership I worked with was running a frailty programme to identify and support those at risk. Months into the project we found five other similar projects looking at frailty. Had this been clear from the outset, we would have aligned, rationalised, accelerated and scaled the efforts.

Spending time understanding initiatives currently underway provides invaluable insight into what is working, or not working, and why. It offers an opportunity to combine work clarify objectives, or review progress. Resources are now so stretched, making it ever more necessary to prioritise high impact work.

Why does this matter? Read the full article from Daniel here.

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